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5 Ways To Invest In Oil (Ranked From Worst To First)

When oil spikes, like it has in recent months, many folks get tempted, wondering if there’s a way to time their way into—and out of—crude for maximum profits and dividends.

Unfortunately, timing markets is tough—especially the oil market, which is global and highly complex. Heck, the experts have trouble doing it!

Bloomberg analysts looked at how the price of energy commodities trended over the last 20 years and how an index of energy-related investments performed over the same period. They found that professional investors whose job is to turn changes in commodity prices into cash profits had a hard time doing so.

If you do want to hold oil in your portfolio, there are plenty of ways to do it…

The post 5 Ways to Invest in Oil (Ranked From Worst to First) appeared first on Contrarian Outlook.